New recognition for Mevis S.p.A.: the BAQ and BITS 2021 labels

"Confindustria awards and renews labels based on the activities carried out and documented by the company during the calendar year of reference (January 2021-December 2021).

The aim of the project is to recognise and enhance the commitment of companies in the provision of high-quality training courses and in combating the mismatching of skills, which is the cause of the misalignment between labour supply and demand that slows down the economic and social development of the country."

  • Bollino per l’Alternanza di Qualità (BAQ - Quality Alternation Label) : rewards companies that distinguish themselves for the quality of their "School-Work Alternation" programs, activated through virtuous collaborations with secondary schools and vocational training centres;
  • Bollino Impresa in ITS (BITS - Enterprise-ITS collaboration Label): rewards companies committed to the dissemination of technical culture and STEM disciplines, thanks to the support and promotion activities of the ITS (Technical High School) Foundations in the country.